Xero sync errors - Help guide
  • 30 Apr 2024
  • 5 Minutes to read
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Xero sync errors - Help guide

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Article summary


This guide is a list of our most frequently asked questions regarding Xero live sync errors, what they mean and how to resolve them.

If you have any questions that are not listed here, please contact your account manager or the support team on the details at the bottom of this guide.

Common Sync Errors

1. “Service Unavailable - Fail to connect - The server is temporarily unable to service your request. Please try again later.”

The Xero service can sometimes go down at their end and needs restarting. We unfortunately cannot control this, but you can monitor the Xero Status page for when it’s back up:

The Status page can be found here

2. “Object reference not set to an instance of an object”

This means that something has gone wrong but there is no specified error or the error has not yet been created/labelled by us. Please speak to our support team if you receive this error.

3. “Account: [account name] - The Code field is required”

The nominal code coming from Xero into Joblogic is failing because the account set up in Xero only has a description and no code entered. For it to transfer across to joblogic, a description and a code will need to be present. This can be amended in Xero via your Chart of Accounts section.

4. “Invoice: [invoice number] - The TaxType code [tax code] does not exist or cannot be used for this type of transaction. The TaxType code [tax code] cannot be used with account code [account code number].”

The invoice(s) in question have a certain tax code assigned in joblogic, which doesn't exist in the Xero account.

You will need to either add the code to the Xero account and try the sync again or you can credit and re-raise the invoices with the correct tax codes.

Our technical support team can amend the tax code(s) against the invoice(s) to the required one in the background of the system for you but be aware that there may be a waiting time involved for the team to action this due to the technical nature of the task.

5. “Payment: Invoice [Invoice number], Amount: £ [amount], Account Code: [account code number] - Account type is invalid for making a payment to/from”

This means the nominal code in Xero has not been set up to receive payments.

If you go into your Xero account, click through to Chart of Accounts, find the relevant code and then tick ‘’enable payments’’, you should be able to transfer the items on your next sync.

6. “Payment: Invoice [invoice number], Amount: £ [amount], Account Code: [account code number] - Payments can only be made against Authorised documents. Payment amount exceeds the amount outstanding on this document”

A payment already exists against this invoice, in the Xero account, so cannot be transferred again from joblogic.

If you speak to our support team, they can mark the invoice as ‘’passed to accounts’’ to stop it trying to sync, and to show that it’s already been transferred.

7. “Payment: Invoice [invoice number], Amount: £ [amount], Account Code: [account code number] - The invoice of payment does not exist in XERO”

This error means that the system can not find the invoice to link the payment to.

Check that the invoice is in Xero – It may be that the invoice has been marked as ‘passed to accounts’ in the joblogic system previously but was not synced to Xero.
Raise this with the support team so they can reopen the invoice, for you to transfer.

8. "Tax rate must be Active"

This means that the tax rate is not active in Xero.
This can be amended via your tax rates in Xero.

9. "Account code must be specified"

This means that the invoice line being exported does not have a nominal code against it in joblogic.

If you go back to Invoices > All Invoices, find the invoice number and click into the details, you should then be able to click on the line items to add a nominal code where one does not already exist.

To set the defaults, go to Settings > System Set up > Financial - This should prevent the error from showing up in future.

10. “Invoice: [invoice number] - The Account Number already exists. Please enter a different Account Number”

The account number is already set up in Xero, however not all of the details are matching between joblogic and Xero so it can't make the transfer.

Cross reference the account number in both systems, along with the name, address, and contact details to make sure they all match.

11. “Invoice: [invoice number] - Account code [account code number] is not a valid code for this document”

This either means that the account code is not set up in Xero, or it has been set as a ‘’non-revenue’’ type. You can amend accordingly in the Xero package – either by adding the code, or updating the code type to ‘’revenue’’

12. “Invoice: [invoice number] - Invoice # must be unique”

This means there is already an invoice in Xero with the same number.

Firstly, check if the same invoice is already in Xero, or if it’s a different invoice that happens to have the same number.

The support team will be able to assist you further by marking the invoice as passed to accounts in joblogic.

13. "Credit Note: [credit number] - The invoice of credit note does not exist in XERO"

The invoice that links with the credit note, does not exist in Xero.

Firstly, check if you can see it in Xero – if you can contact the support team to discuss

If it is not in Xero, you have two options – you can either manually add it, or the support team can mark the invoice back in joblogic, so you can sync the invoice and credit at the same time.

14. “Credit Note: [credit number] - The invoice you are trying to allocate to has already been paid off. Credit Note cannot be allocated as amount is greater than amount outstanding”

This means that the invoice is showing as paid in Xero or as only having a remaining amount on it which is less than the credit. It therefore cannot add the credit note as there is nothing/not enough outstanding. To fix this, you can amend the invoice in Xero as required, in order to allow the amount to be credited.

Further Support

For further information or assistance with the above, contact our Support Team on 0800 326 5561 or email support@joblogic.com. Alternatively, our Customer Success Management team can be reached by emailing customersuccess@joblogic.com

Publishing Details

This document was written and produced by Joblogic’s Technical Writing team and was last updated on the date specified above. Be aware that the information provided may be subject to change following further updates on the matter becoming available. Additionally, details within the guide may vary depending on your Joblogic account’s user permissions.

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